Fact 1: The Maori name of New Zealand is Aotearoa which means the land of the long white cloud.
Fact 2: New Zealand was once governed as part of the territory of New South Wales and later a part of Australia.
Fact 3: New Zealanders are also called kiwis but kiwi is not a fruit. It is New Zealand’s native flightless bird.
This is the task that I needed to do for my first activity on the summer learning journey Today Fun Facts About New Zealand website, and find 3 interesting facts to blog. This challenge was fairly easy, but I found a few things out, while knowing the rest.
I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teacher is Mrs Anderson.
Monday, 17 December 2018
Who Am I
Today we have been working on this who am I and I was working with a kid called Jack we had to find different famous people and we had found out a lot of other people that completed something that they were not really noticed for but were really respected from a lot of people. We had to find out why they were well known and their name were their from and do they have a famous quote.
Wednesday, 12 December 2018
Creating A Comic About A New Zealand Inventor
Today, the whole class did a a challenge in teams of 4. What was that challenge you may ask? To find a New Zealand inventor, and create a whole comic strip about that person and their invention. I decided to work with Jack, Ofa, and Joseph for this activity, and we wanted to create a comic about the first successful person to take flight Richard Pearse. We chose to use Google Drawing to create this comic and we had a lot of fun working together, and loving the turnout. After everyone had finished their comics, we had to find a few things out about the person and their invention. In the end, we found out that it was the 31st of March 1903 when Richard Pearse made his first attempt to fly. Although we did not find any information giving the date he succeeded.
Friday, 7 December 2018
Sports Leader
Hi my name is Julian and I want to be your sports leader for 2019. I think I am the best candidate for sports leader because I am a very athletic person and I really love playing sports.
I am confident when speaking to an audience and would enjoy the stepping up onto the stage to
share the weekly sports report at assembly. I think I should become sports leader because I try my
hardest to join every single inter school or sports that I can. I joined five of the athletics sports this
year because I pushed myself to try my hardest. I am resilient and never give up until the end.
These are qualities that would make me a great role model for the younger students.
share the weekly sports report at assembly. I think I should become sports leader because I try my
hardest to join every single inter school or sports that I can. I joined five of the athletics sports this
year because I pushed myself to try my hardest. I am resilient and never give up until the end.
These are qualities that would make me a great role model for the younger students.
I am really trustworthy and responsible with all the equipment and show respect to the
teachers. I play fairly and don’t cheat in games. I am always prepared to do training and
always take part in things or taking charge and stepping up to the challenge.
teachers. I play fairly and don’t cheat in games. I am always prepared to do training and
always take part in things or taking charge and stepping up to the challenge.
I look after the equipment encourage my teammates and have a very good team spirit
and have a very good sense of humour and always try to strengthen my skills. Lastly I
respect the coaches and the teams and always stay humble and always commit to my
and have a very good sense of humour and always try to strengthen my skills. Lastly I
respect the coaches and the teams and always stay humble and always commit to my
Sports Leader
Wednesday, 28 November 2018
Leadership Challenges
This week is the leadership week for the year 7's. Leadership week is when the year 7's gather together to develop their leadership skills. Yesterday we all got into groups and we started completing different challenges together. Throughout these challenges we were communicating, collaborating, and showing team work. Our first task was a given question that needed to be answered by our groups. The question was how can you motivate others to drink water. It was challenging, because we weren't allowed to talk during this challenge. Our team's idea was to create an animation based on kids drinking water. We also discussed about the word teamwork. Teamwork to us means a group of people coming together to share new ideas and agree on each others opinions. After this we headed to the hall to complete another challenge. For this challenge we were to create the largest pyramid by using isometric diamonds. We worked as a group by discussing what each person was to do during this challenge. Angela and I were tracing around the template, while Jonathan and I were cutting it out and placing it on the piece of paper. As a result Alex's group won for this challenge. Lastly we were to find another group to work with. This time we were to gather our shapes together and build the largest pyramid. This time we were allowed to talk. In my group I had Angela, Mele, Jonathan, Jack, Neveah, Avalon, Chavda, and myself. This meant that there were 2 groups with 8 people in it. Before starting this challenge we came together to discuss about what each person was going to do. Avalon, Angela, and Neveah were drawing, while Chavda and Mele were tracing the templates. Jack and I were placing it on, while Jonathan was collecting the isometric diamonds for the cutters. As a result our group won this challenge. Were all enjoyed our time, but at the end of the day everyone are winners.
Tuesday, 27 November 2018
This week the year 7's were learning about leadership. Leadership means working together talking and having a leader because everything wouldn't be fine without a leader to control and help our teams. l was working with Mele, Jonathan, Angela and I. We worked together as a group to complete our challenges that were set for us. The first activity we had was to write down and answer the questions we were given. l was the leader for my group and l was trying to help the people that needed it. The next thing we did was go into the hall and do our next leadership challenge as a group for this activity we needed all of our craft stuff in each group then we sat away from each group we had to try and create the biggest pyramid out of Colored Paper, Scissors, and White paper. Those were the things we needed for our challenge. The last group challenge we did was we played a game that would help us work as a team this challenge was called tunnel crawling we had to go underneath people's legs and stomach to get to the other side of the hall it was hard put we worked as a team to lost of the first round the next round we won.
Monday, 26 November 2018
Maori Battalion Timeline
For Inquiry, Miki, Josh, Nevaeh and I worked together as a group to complete the Maori Battalion Timeline DLO. This shows the timeline of the Maori Battalion's time on the battlefield. We all show a lot of respect to the people who have fought for our king and country. The white skin and the dark skin people were separated. They also have different jobs the British got the better jobs and the Maoris got the worst and least paying jobs after the war. In the battlefield they worked as a team and became friends. Then went their separate ways.
Maori Battalion,
Friday, 16 November 2018
Reading: Book Week | Wolf Myths and Facts
This week has been book week. We have had quite a few challenges based on the stories we read as young children. Our teacher Mrs Anderson has also set us a few challenges based on a few books that she read as a child. This one being Wolves. It is written by Emily Gravett, and illustrated by her too. This book explains and gives a few facts about wolves, and includes lovely images to paint a picture into your head. Our challenge, was to come up with around 5 myths about how wolves live, and them research them and see if they are true or false. This task could be done alone, or with a partner, so I chose to work with Jack.
book week,
Emily Gravett,
Story Line
on tuesday we had to create a DLO were we would make a lie from when we were 5 to the age of 12 and tell the person that is reading the DLO what was my favorite book and it went from clifford the big red dog and hairy maclary to the guardians of ga'hoole this was another one of my favorite activities for book week.
this week is PBS book week and we have been doing really fun activity and also our teacher has been reading books from a lady called Emmily Gravett. She writes really good picture books her books teach us different this about things like wolves phobias and meerkats. She made me learn that meerkat are related to mongooses and that they do everything together and eat really weird stuff.
Tech: Creating Isometric Cubes
Today for tech we have been working on making isometric cubes it was a very fun activity we had to use a grid that our tech teacher had printed for use so we got rulers, white pencils and three different pieces of paper. This sounds much more fun than it sounds. I liked it because we got to cut out stuff and do lots of very fun things this was the best time if had at tech this term.
Thursday, 15 November 2018
Book Week: Do You Read the Blurb
Tuesday, 13 November 2018
Reading: Book Week | Re-Design Cover
This week is book week for Panmure Bridge School. What we are doing for this week are a few challenges based on the books that we have read in our past, and about reading in general. For this challenge, we were to re-create the cover of a book that we read in our childhood. The book that I did was Noah Dreary, and I worked on this activity with Jack, and Fraidon. We had all read and loved this story, so it was an easy choice between which book we did this on. I had a lot of fun doing this activity, and I believe that Fraidon and Jack had just as much fun.
Book Week: Alphabet Key
Around The World And Eighty Days
New Moon
Over Sea, Under Stone
Catching Fire
Peter Pan
Queen Of Spades
Ella Enchanted
Romeo And Juliet
Star Trek
Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire
Under The Never Sky
I Am Number Four
Vampire Academy
J.K Rowling
Kite Runner
Lion King
Yeti And The Bird
This week is book week for Panmure Bridge School. What we are doing for this week are a few challenges based on the books that we have read in our past. For this challenge we needed to do an alphabet key on book tittles/Authors. I did this task with the help of Fraidoon and Julian. I found this task really easy and I will try to do harder challenges next time.
Book Week Challange
Today we have been going down memory lane and also it is book week for our school our school's name is Panmure Bridge so it is panmure bridge book week. This is my book history from age 5 to age 12. I think my favorite book would have to been Guardians of ga'hoole because I love the the way it looks and how I can make the voices up in my head and also it is like a fighting book and the parents sound cool but mainly it is because there are no humans in the story.
Friday, 9 November 2018
Armistice commemorations
Today we had a commemoration and it was for armistice. It was one of the most heartwarming moments of my life. We were joined by a person from the NZ army. I was so amazed by the way that everyone was so respectful and focused and I was proud of Aung Naing for doing the flag and also I was most amazed at my brother and Taiva for saying the oath calmly and confidently. The reason we commemorated the soldiers that lost their lives was because it is armistice but it was our own armistice commemoration. We also learnt new songs and they were called the last post and the other one was called reveille. Before we all got together we planted the poppies. Then before the commemoration ended one of our teachers read the flanders field poem.
Armistice commemorations,
Thursday, 8 November 2018
Armistice Day Commemoration
Tuesday, 6 November 2018
WW1 Facts
for inquiry we have been learning about world war one and in world war one there was a lot of things introduced and also used. like there was the trench life and miniguns and we also learnt of other things that was very satisfying like there were zeppelins and submarines I thought submarines were built in the 2000 but we learn things every day.
Thursday, 1 November 2018
The War of Somme
for a reading activity we were talking, reading and learning about the war of somme. I learnt that over 200, 000 french lost their lives. it was sad fun and quite interesting to find out about the war of somme. The thing I found hard about finding out the answers was finding the information on the list.
The War of Somme
Tuesday, 30 October 2018
5-7-10 The Sleeping Giant
The giant sleeps all day and all night if they arose from their slumber they would annihilate and kill everything in their way. They would start waking up and the whole world will rumble and they will tear down the heavens and rip out the deepest part of hell they will destroy the worlds and then move on to the next dimension we should be very glad that they are asleep. We humans had once had a war with those things most of the population. But then they yawned we thought that was their battle cry but there was a very big thud then the world rumble they fell so hard that they went underground. Are they alive or are they dead we don’t know but always be on guard. “What is that it” {son} “no but you really need to get to sleep because darling is going to kill me” {father} “start from the top please” {son} “or I will not go to sleep” {son} “fine” {father}. There once lived a man called Jack and he went to town to sell his horse and that is where it all started he meet a priest and the priest gave Jack a special type of gun and only some people were able to weld them and they were called the fighters and then the giants started to attack and the fighters started to assemble and they fought there hardest it was WW1 all over again but this time it was a bit unfair we kept running away town to town and sometimes we even fled to other countries but it didn’t matter because they would keep finding us no matter where or how far we are they would not sleep and keep finding us then on day we were so afraid but we were also backed into a corner then we kept fighting until our last breath but then the times they didn’t sleep came back and then they yawned then bang they all fell and went under the ground and they were never seen again.
today we all have been writing a 5-7-10 and we got to choose our own pitcher and the pitcher I choses was the sleeping giant and this was making my imagination go wild and it was also so fun to wright.
today we all have been writing a 5-7-10 and we got to choose our own pitcher and the pitcher I choses was the sleeping giant and this was making my imagination go wild and it was also so fun to wright.
Friday, 26 October 2018
On thursday we had Kiwi sport and we were learning on how to box and we also learnt something called the three commandments. The lady that is teaching us how to box her name is Pax Patel and she is from a company called sticks and stones we learnt how to jab and cross and those were the only things we learnt because we did not have that much time.
kiwi sports
Tech Phone Stand

Today we have been completing our phone stands and after this we get to get them printed. So now we have to wait for our tech teacher Miss Ferguson to 3D print I am so excited to see what it will look like when it is printed.
phone stand,
Thursday, 25 October 2018
Maths: Circumference. Radius, Diameter & Pi
Today for maths, we were learning to find the Radius, Diameter, Circumference and Pi of a Circle. To start of our maths session, Ms Kirkpatrick's maths group, watch a short clip about our topic. Once we've finished watching the clip, we were to completed a series of equations. After that we were to create a DLO, which explains how we solved, three questions, we got in the series. For this task I work collaboratively with Sanujan and Jack.
Circumference. Radius,
Friday, 19 October 2018
For inquiry we have been learning about peace and war and for the thing we are doing now we are learning about peace and what it means and what the symbols mean as well. Then we had to describe peace in 25 words and we also had to talk about one of the people that brought peace to a country. My partner Zane and I choose nelson mandela and we learnt a lot about him.
Kiwi Can
Yesterday we we went to kiwi can and at kiwi can we were learning about respect and we were recapping on your school values and one of them is respect. We were learning about respect and the way I can use this is if there is an argument about a cartoon and another person thinks a different cartoon is better so if that happens you should respect each other's beliefs because everyone thinks differently to you.
Phone Stands prototype

Today we were creating a phone stand and this is my prototype. I got this picture from a site called thingiverse and this site is good for all the hard objects that you think you can't draw or build. Then for the prototype I used tinkercad and from there made my own version of the ship and this was really fun.
phone stand,
Thursday, 18 October 2018
Today is national Shake out this activity could be used throughout NZ. This helps people understand what you do in a natural disaster called earthquakes and they are very destructive disaster. Like it destroys hundreds of thousands of dollars and can sometimes kill a lot of people where the disaster had occurred. In our school we did the drill on the 18th of october 2018 at 9:30am. We had to follow the procedure like drop cover and hold they are the three steps to avoid getting extremely injured.
natural disasters,
Monday, 15 October 2018
Style - Formal / Informal Letters
Informal writing
Also, my dad got me/purchased for me a new mobile telecommunication device/mobile phone. It’s an 8210! Anyway, gotta go/got to cease writing! Speak to you soon. Please write back/please respond swiftly.
Love from
Love from
informal writing is like something you would write in an email or on facebook and all types of social media to your friends and cousins so you would or could use u for you or OMG for Oh My God {gosh}
Formal writing
To finish/In conclusion, I hope you will take my concerns seriously and I look forward to your reply/you writing back to me.
Yours Sincerely
Ms. Kirkpatrick
Formal writing is the complete opposite to informal writing so a this type of writing is use to talk to people like your boss, also for a job application and for very important things and you would use them in letters and you could use them in emails as well as the informal writing. So you basically have to use complex language in your formal writing and also use your manners.
Style - Formal / Informal Letters
Friday, 28 September 2018
On wednesday we played netball and it was for the interschool and it was a very fun day there were minutes of rain and then after that we still played in the weather anyway and it was really fun even though we lost most of our games at least we tried our hardest and never gave up easily and had lots of fun.
today at tech I created a face and it was inspired by my good friend Alex I created other things but they were creepy as heck and it was so fun playing around on the site tinkercad.com it was really fun to create creepy things.
Monday, 24 September 2018
Spaghetti bridges
Two week for inquiry we were testing our bridges to see how strong they were and we have been working on them for the past weeks. Everyone in my inquiry group had to build there bridge out of 1 pack of spaghetti. I think the group I worked in did an awesome job because the first time we went up it was only able to hold 5 bricks and Ms Kirkpatrick thought it slipped. It was very exciting when our bridge held up 4 because our group predicted that it would only be able to hold up two or three. Since the bridge only held up five and slipped, we came back at the end when everyone finished we tried to carry the most amount of bricks which was eight we didn't really think that it would hold the eight bricks up but our bridge pulled it off. Our bridges span was 25 cm and could hold between 5 to 8 bricks and I thought it would break as soon as we put the eight bricks on but it held them up.
Spaghetti bridges
Art Culture and Sport
Today for reading we had to find all the different types of labels and some of them were subtitle, map, title, label and graphs. We did some with the teacher and then after we got to do it ourselves. Then we all split up into two groups and two books so then we grabbed so of the labels and then put it on our books while the other group had the rest and put it on their book it was a very fun activity to do and we had to work as a team. The things I learnt from this book was that there are book that use lots of labels and then there are some that do not use a lot of labels.
Wednesday, 19 September 2018
Why Did People Build Bridges
Bridges, they’re not simple structures to construct. People build bridges to get across from one side of the bridge to another and we built bridges for shortcuts, swiftness and also stability.
Bridges they are more than meets the eye and they do more than you think we all take bridges for granted because we just think that they are objects that help us get from point A to point B they do that but they do heaps of thing for us. They help us get across rivers that can move faster than a car and also they help move much faster and more accurately than a boat or a punt we are just lucky that bridges are a thing in our lives or it would take hours to get from place to place.
So if we were trying to get from one side of a river to the other in the olden days they would use punts and it would take around one hour or so but still it would take forever just to get across a river and bad enough as it is you would have to go away and go back again tomorrow if it was bad weather because they would be closed for the day.
The thing that bridges do is help us get over obstacles, and help us get across things faster like they help us get across canyons so we don’t have to go all the way down and then waste the rest of your petrol just going up and then walk the rest of the way. So bridges are used for both shortcuts, and easy access.
Now here we are, bridges are so useful these days because we are now using steel cars that are very heavy and then the bridges can hold around one hundred cars. They are the most efficient way to get across rivers and wide pieces of water, and without them the world wouldn’t be the same.
We all had written something to do with how and why people built bridges and what they help us with as well. This piece of writing also help us understand how to use hooks.
Friday, 14 September 2018
Wero Trip
Yesterday we went to wero as we went we learnt about how to be river safe and how to be water safe. It was very fun there I wish we could go again I forgot our instructors name but he was the best he named our boat crew llamabear and when we went around a corner he would say "Tokyo Drift style" and we would turn on an angle and go through the gap of the rocks. It was the best time of life when we got to go and jump off the side of the rocks and get swept away from the water it was so fun there.

water safety,
Thursday, 13 September 2018
Kiwi Can
Today we went to kiwi can and for kiwi can we were learning about perseverance and resilience we mainly spoke about perseverance and perseverance means to never give up and try your hardest until you succeed and to do that you have to have a whole lot of courage and faith in yourself then you can really perceiver. So like this you try and get into a college but you don't make it in so what do you do try and take another and if you don't get into that one then you try and get into a different one so the moral of the story just don't give up until the end and to do that just believe in yourself and have fun.
Kiwi Can,
Wednesday, 12 September 2018
today we have been doing maths and for maths we have been learning about how to use exponents and also exponents and also how to do the maths behind the exponents you have to time something by itself as many times as the number at the top says.
Tuesday, 11 September 2018
Labelling The Structure of a Book
Today for reading we have been using arrows with words on them they all were about the types of things you could find in the book. We did a couple with our teacher Ms Kirkpatrick we had to try and find all the things that were on the cards some of them were Graph, bold prints, heading, labels, and there were so many of them but we could find a lot after we did some pages with our teacher we had to try and find some by ourselves and we had to corporate with our group and ended up finding a lot and it also was a very good activity.
Monday, 10 September 2018
A couple of days ago we were working on colons I now know how to use colons because of the activity we had done. The activity we had to do was a colon quiz the things to do in the quiz was try and guess were all the colons were supposed to go we also had to answer like 11 questions so for example one of them were These are my favorite colors: purple, turquoise, pink and yellow and after we answered all of them we had to move onto the illustration. We illustrated one of the questions from the activity the one I just gave as an example was the one I did for my illustration I had to throw together a drawing about how to use colons and one of the answers of the quiz.
Wheel Words
Today we have been playing wheel words. This game helps with your vocabulary and it also helps with your spelling in this game you have to try and finish the game and some of them are very very hard compared to others because then there are some that are super easy. Today when I was playing I found seven words that was on the board and two obscure words and there are hints and I used two or three for the nine letter word.
wheel words
Friday, 7 September 2018
The Certificates
Today at assembly we got a certificate for participating in a quiz and some people got two one was for a spelling test and the other one was for maths and I was one of the people that got the maths one and another boy got a spelling and a maths one on the spelling one he got over 90% of the test right and the maths certificate was only to say congratulation to the people who contested.
Thursday, 6 September 2018
Orchestra Trip
Today some of my class went to an orchestra trip and it was a very interesting thing to go to. We listened to three different # pieces of music there was one about a bull fight, one about a lady of was cursed by her husband because she had to delete the dating site and then there was the Romeo and Juliet dance. All the instrument types got introduced to us bit by bit there were four different types of instruments they were Brass, WoodWind, String and Percussion. It was the most inspirational pieces of orchestra and the dance after ward was so cool.
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