The giant sleeps all day and all night if they arose from their slumber they would annihilate and kill everything in their way. They would start waking up and the whole world will rumble and they will tear down the heavens and rip out the deepest part of hell they will destroy the worlds and then move on to the next dimension we should be very glad that they are asleep. We humans had once had a war with those things most of the population. But then they yawned we thought that was their battle cry but there was a very big thud then the world rumble they fell so hard that they went underground. Are they alive or are they dead we don’t know but always be on guard. “What is that it” {son} “no but you really need to get to sleep because darling is going to kill me” {father} “start from the top please” {son} “or I will not go to sleep” {son} “fine” {father}. There once lived a man called Jack and he went to town to sell his horse and that is where it all started he meet a priest and the priest gave Jack a special type of gun and only some people were able to weld them and they were called the fighters and then the giants started to attack and the fighters started to assemble and they fought there hardest it was WW1 all over again but this time it was a bit unfair we kept running away town to town and sometimes we even fled to other countries but it didn’t matter because they would keep finding us no matter where or how far we are they would not sleep and keep finding us then on day we were so afraid but we were also backed into a corner then we kept fighting until our last breath but then the times they didn’t sleep came back and then they yawned then bang they all fell and went under the ground and they were never seen again.
today we all have been writing a 5-7-10 and we got to choose our own pitcher and the pitcher I choses was the sleeping giant and this was making my imagination go wild and it was also so fun to wright.
I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teacher is Mrs Anderson.
Tuesday, 30 October 2018
Friday, 26 October 2018
On thursday we had Kiwi sport and we were learning on how to box and we also learnt something called the three commandments. The lady that is teaching us how to box her name is Pax Patel and she is from a company called sticks and stones we learnt how to jab and cross and those were the only things we learnt because we did not have that much time.
kiwi sports
Tech Phone Stand

Today we have been completing our phone stands and after this we get to get them printed. So now we have to wait for our tech teacher Miss Ferguson to 3D print I am so excited to see what it will look like when it is printed.
phone stand,
Thursday, 25 October 2018
Maths: Circumference. Radius, Diameter & Pi
Today for maths, we were learning to find the Radius, Diameter, Circumference and Pi of a Circle. To start of our maths session, Ms Kirkpatrick's maths group, watch a short clip about our topic. Once we've finished watching the clip, we were to completed a series of equations. After that we were to create a DLO, which explains how we solved, three questions, we got in the series. For this task I work collaboratively with Sanujan and Jack.
Circumference. Radius,
Friday, 19 October 2018
For inquiry we have been learning about peace and war and for the thing we are doing now we are learning about peace and what it means and what the symbols mean as well. Then we had to describe peace in 25 words and we also had to talk about one of the people that brought peace to a country. My partner Zane and I choose nelson mandela and we learnt a lot about him.
Kiwi Can
Yesterday we we went to kiwi can and at kiwi can we were learning about respect and we were recapping on your school values and one of them is respect. We were learning about respect and the way I can use this is if there is an argument about a cartoon and another person thinks a different cartoon is better so if that happens you should respect each other's beliefs because everyone thinks differently to you.
Phone Stands prototype

Today we were creating a phone stand and this is my prototype. I got this picture from a site called thingiverse and this site is good for all the hard objects that you think you can't draw or build. Then for the prototype I used tinkercad and from there made my own version of the ship and this was really fun.
phone stand,
Thursday, 18 October 2018
Today is national Shake out this activity could be used throughout NZ. This helps people understand what you do in a natural disaster called earthquakes and they are very destructive disaster. Like it destroys hundreds of thousands of dollars and can sometimes kill a lot of people where the disaster had occurred. In our school we did the drill on the 18th of october 2018 at 9:30am. We had to follow the procedure like drop cover and hold they are the three steps to avoid getting extremely injured.
natural disasters,
Monday, 15 October 2018
Style - Formal / Informal Letters
Informal writing
Also, my dad got me/purchased for me a new mobile telecommunication device/mobile phone. It’s an 8210! Anyway, gotta go/got to cease writing! Speak to you soon. Please write back/please respond swiftly.
Love from
Love from
informal writing is like something you would write in an email or on facebook and all types of social media to your friends and cousins so you would or could use u for you or OMG for Oh My God {gosh}
Formal writing
To finish/In conclusion, I hope you will take my concerns seriously and I look forward to your reply/you writing back to me.
Yours Sincerely
Ms. Kirkpatrick
Formal writing is the complete opposite to informal writing so a this type of writing is use to talk to people like your boss, also for a job application and for very important things and you would use them in letters and you could use them in emails as well as the informal writing. So you basically have to use complex language in your formal writing and also use your manners.
Style - Formal / Informal Letters
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