I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teacher is Mrs Anderson.
Friday, 31 May 2019
Yesterday we had gymnastics and it was fun. The teacher we had was Steven he is a really good gymnast he was showing us how to do dive rolls, walking on the beam and jumping on it, keeping your core strong and doing handstands. I think the best part of gymnastics has to be the trampoline and doing the dive roll that was so fun yet so hard to pull off because you have to put your arms out straight. I just want to say thank you to Steven for teaching us gymnastics.
kiwi sports
Tuesday, 28 May 2019
Inquiry: Bus Stop Activity
This week for inquiry, we have started a new rotation. To start off we have had a bus stop activity to complete. The point of this activity was to activate our prior knowledge, and to build it. Prior knowledge is what you already know, and to build it is to expand your knowledge. Because our topic is space, our questions were What do we know about science, What do we know about space, How does space affect us on earth, What do you know about the planets in our solar system, What do you know about the moon, What do you know about the sun, and finally What words do you know that are associated with space. For this task, Learning Space 2 collaborated with Learning Space 1, and we have all enjoyed it.
Building Prior Knowledge,
Bus Stop Activity,
Prior Knowledge,
Monday, 27 May 2019
Science Investigation
Today we were doing science with a teacher called Mrs Wells and she is planting dwarf beans with us but we have a little twist we are adding different items to the soil to use as fertilizer and we have just planted our seeds and we all are using different items such as Coffee grounds, Tea bag, Foam Soap, Crushed chocolate, Salt, Potatoes skin, Pear skin, Peanut Butter and Mandarin and those are what we are using for the project and also we are having a competition to see who's plant will grow the tallest in the amount of time we have set witch is two to three weeks time. Before we started planting and getting the soil in our plant pots we followed a method that we had written down the previous week and that was Put on gloves, Get ice cream container, Get a scale, Place empty container on scale, Zero the scale with the cartin, Get soil from junior, Measure 40g of potatoes skin, Measure 400mls of soil in the ice cream container.Use your hands to stir and mix fertilizer and soil for 1 minute, Measure 200mls of soil and place into 1 pot, and another 200mls into another pot, Mark 3 cm from the tip of your finger, push your finger into the middle of the soil, Label pot with name of fertilizer, place 1 bean in pot, Cover the seed with soil, Water with 20 mls of water every monday tuesday and wait two weeks and see what happens. and now we are going to wait for the plants to start growing. I am also with my friends and their names are Jack, Alex, Nyjah, Mele, Victoria, Giovanni and we are all trying out the experiments.
Bean Growth,
Mrs Wells
Friday, 24 May 2019
Last night we went on a trip to stardome and that was a really fun night they showed us into a room were the roof was a very big projector and they showed and told us a lot of this about the sun, space, constellation and also a few facts about Jupiter and Saturn. We first learnt about the stars and what type of stars their are like the different types of suns and the star constellation I learnt that the first star to show in the sky is actually a sun an it is just a bit bigger than our sun. There are multiple constellation such as scorpion, Maui's hook and sagittarius the archer they were the constellation that we were looking at when we were looking at the constellations and if you can't find sagittarius all you have to do is look for a teaspoon and a teapot. Afterwards we started talking about Jupiter and saturn the first thing we were learning about was the amount of moons that it had and there are 67 moon that is circling Jupiter. Then we learnt about Saturn and what happens every 14 years when the rings of Saturn would disappear and reappear.
Thursday, 23 May 2019
Information report
Emperor Penguin
There are really cute flightless birds in the world. Do you know what they are? They are Penguins and their scientific name is Aptenodytes forsteri and that is The Emperor penguin. Did you know that the Emperor penguin is the largest penguin species in the world.
The male Emperor penguin has a distinctive colouration to it. It has a snow white belly to blend into the environment and it’s back is as dark as night and it’s neck is a mix of yellow and white.
The Emperor penguin is a carnivore and it eats aquatic creatures { such as kril, small fish and even squid and any other small creatures they can catch in the ocean. On the other hand they do have predators of their own and they are Leopard seals, killer whales and Skuas. The Leopard seal and the killer whales hunt the adult emperor penguins while Skuas hunt for the eggs.
The Emperor penguins live in antarctica and they are the only species of penguin that inhabit big lands of ice during the winter. They are usually found on the coast of antarctica when they are fishing or scouring for food.
Emperor penguins are a really interesting species of birds. They are the largest penguin species. They go in collines of a few hundred to thousands of Emperor penguins.The penguins in antarctica get around by doing something called tobogganing and if they want to get out of the water they roket out of the water and that is when they swim so fast in the water to the surface.
Emperor penguins are an interesting species of penguins and their cuteness is skyrocketing.
This week for writing we have been looking at making information reports about penguins. What we did was write the different features of a penguin and that was maliy it but before we wrote the information about the penguins on a DLO where we found information on the penguins to help us remember some facts that could be useful in our information writing. After we wrote our information writing we spoke to a critical friend to help us to make our writing better. During the writing we used a structure called TIPS and that stands for title, Introduction, paragraphs and summary to help with our report.
Information report,
Tuesday, 21 May 2019
Space race
for one of the activities my friend and I made an animation about space because of my book my book was called the space race and that was about the U.S and the The Soviet union having a race to see how could be the first continent to get a satellite into orbit and the continent that won was Soviet union then they ended up sending a dog into space some are to believe that the dog died shortly after taking off.
space race
Moon Illusion
Today I asked my friends if they wanted to play my kahoot about moon illusions and they said yes the questions were based off a book that I read for reading and all the books were about space and thing that liked to it. In my Kahoot there were questions that were about the moon and an illusion that messes with people's minds and it is to do with objects that are around the certain thing you are trying to look at. So the way that the illusion works is that when a big object is next to something smaller the smaller object seems to inlargened because of the surroundings of the object. For example if a car was driving straight at you you would know how big it was and you could tell if it was a toy car or a real car unlike in space where there is nothing to compare the size of the object to and your mind will get confused and will not be able to tell the difference to a toy car or a real car.
Reading response
Reading Response
Monday, 20 May 2019
Scientific Experiments
Today we were doing scientific experiments about plants and we were learning about different things that will happen if if we used thing as fertilizers so there were Coffee grounds
Tea leaves, Soap Crushed candy, Salt, Mashed Potatoes, Pear skin, Baked beans and Pencil shavings they were the things we are using for our science experiment to see which test would work and make it grow the tallest out of all of them and we have 2 weeks to see how tall they grow. It was a very fun activity we really enjoyed the activity and the activities to come and I just want to say thank you to miss Wells
Tea leaves, Soap Crushed candy, Salt, Mashed Potatoes, Pear skin, Baked beans and Pencil shavings they were the things we are using for our science experiment to see which test would work and make it grow the tallest out of all of them and we have 2 weeks to see how tall they grow. It was a very fun activity we really enjoyed the activity and the activities to come and I just want to say thank you to miss Wells
Miss Wells,
Nyjah. Fui,
Friday, 17 May 2019
Tamaki College
Today we went to tech and also stayed there for a few hours and it was really fun my favorite activity was the science because we got play with dry ice we had a lot of experiments and we learnt thing we didn't know about dry ice like it is actually solid carbon dioxide. The experiments we did were making rubber glove balloons by using the dry ice, making rockets and making dry ice balloons. We also had maths and that was easy and fun we made an alien by using a thing called coordinates and then Jack and I went onto colouring and design our alien but then I miss coloured a place and started all over again. I just want to say thank you to all the teachers that made time to show us what it is like to be in a secondary school and I am really excited to go to college next year.
orientation session,
Monday, 13 May 2019
New Zealand Sign Language Week
last week we were learning about New Zealand sign language we learnt all types of stuff like how to finger spell and say some stuff with our hands all of us got used to it quite fast and were speaking to each others using it. It was a very fun activity and week and on the last day we learnt a lot more about sign language that we didn't know previously like you can walk through a conversation of two deaf people and they won't mind and they make really cool music videos.
Tuesday, 7 May 2019
Maths: Word Problem
For maths we were given a selection of problems to solve and choice one of them to turn into a D.L.O to show the problem the answer and the working out then we made a screencastify to explain the working out to our problems and I did the bread word problem and the thing I found interesting was using the technique rounding for the problem.
Place value multiplication,
Word problem
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