
Friday 24 November 2017


Today we were doing athletics not the really one with long jump in a sandpit, high jump over a pole no no we were doing our own athletics. We did sponge relay,  egg and spoon race and lots more my most favorite one was when we had to lay on the floor facing the other way and the person with the starter started it you would have to shoot up turn around and try to find a bean bag but at the end of the game me and this girl were going head to head I found the bean bag and I went to go get it and the girl sipped on top of my arm and that was when the bell rang. After the second bell rang we came right back to class we did the roll and did the finale sprites I came first in the year 6's.                          

Fire Station Visit

today we went to the fire station and we now learnt that the fire fighters also do ambulance stuff as well. At the begging we were getting introduced to there team there was Paul, Norm and well I forgot the rest of the team. They were very nice  I liked when Norm spread all of us with the big hose. We all got wet good for that to because I think we were all hot. There were four people who could squirt the big hose they were Jonathan, Sandra, Fui and last but not lest Andrew.

Friday 17 November 2017

Game Show

this was our idea.Idea:
The idea is to create a game show video, with presenters, contestants, and bonus rounds. There will be a spinner with both of the contestants names, one of them being bigger than the other. A pencil will be pointing towards the spinner, and when it stops spinning, the person that the pencil is pointing at has to do a challenge. There will be another spinner with 5 challenges instead of names, the hardest being the biggest, to the easiest being the smallest. The same rules apply, there will be a pencil pointing, the spinner will stop spinning, and whatever challenge it lands on, the chosen person will do that challenge. If they succeed on that challenge, they will be given a number of points depending on the challenges difficulty, and how well they performed it. Whoever the spinner choses, that person is the only one to do a challenge. If it lands on the contestant, then the presenter can’t spin the challenge wheel for them to attempt to complete. Whoever it lands on, they are the only one who has a chance to win. However, if someone fails a challenge, then the other player can take that challenge for themselves to complete for the points to win.

Some extra details are that Alex will be the first and last presenter. Julian will be the second presenter, and Jack will film and edit the game show. All group helpers (A.K.A Alex, Jack and Julian) will be contestants, and have the higher chance of being picked / win. Our game show name will be Wheels and Challenges. Alex is going to be the presenter for each video, and the presenter is also the one that the contestant has to compete with. Jack will be director and editor for each video, but will also be contestant for second video. Julian will be contestant for each video, but will have the higher chance once like Alex and Jack. Each player has 5 seconds to 1 minute depending on the challenge.

Character Roles:

Jack will be director and editor and second video game contestant
Alex will be game presenter game contestant
Julian will be the main game contestant for round 1 and 3

Round 1 / Video 1:
Alex/Presenter: “Hello everyone. Welcome to *singing name with music playing*”
“Let’s meet our contestant.”

Julian/Main contestant: “Hello,  my name is Julian. I’m here today to conquer challenges, and beat the presenter.”
Alex: “Time to compete with the confident contestant Julian. Okay Julian, you have the higher chance of being picked today. Are you ready?”

Julian: “I was born ready.”

Alex: “Okay, let’s spin the wheel”

Julian: “Oh I hope it lands on me.”

Alex: “Julian has been chosen, well Julian, now you can spin for a challenge.”

Alex: “Alright Julian, now spin the wheel. You must complete this challenge to earn __ points.”

“And your time, starts… NOW!”

Round 2 / Video 2:
Alex/Presenter: “Hello everyone. Welcome to *singing name with music playing*”
“Let’s meet our contestant.”

Jack/Main contestant: “Hello, my name is Jack. I’m here today to conquer challenges, and beat the presenter.”

Alex: “Time to compete with the confident contestant Jack. Okay Jack, you have the higher chance of being picked today. Are you ready?”

Jack: “I was born ready.”

Alex: “Okay, let’s spin the wheel”

Jack: “Oh I hope it lands on me.”

Alex: “Jack has been chosen, well Jack, now you can spin for a challenge.”

Alex: “Alright Jack, now spin the wheel.”
“You must _______ to earn __ points.”

“And your time, starts… NOW!”

Round 3 / Video 3:
Alex/Presenter: “Hello everyone. Welcome to *singing name with music playing*”
“Let’s meet our contestant.”

Julian/Main contestant: “Hello, my name is Julian. I’m here today to conquer challenges, and beat the presenter.”

Alex: “Time to compete with the confident contestant Julian. Okay Julian, you have the lower chance of being picked today. Are you ready?”

Julian: “I was born ready.”

Alex: “Okay, let’s spin the wheel”

Julian: “Oh I hope it lands on me.”

Alex: “I have been chosen, well, now I can spin for a challenge.”

Alex: “Alright, now I need to spin the wheel. I must complete this challenge to earn __ points.”

“Can you give me a countdown?”

Julian: “Ok, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, NOW!”

Challenges with points:

Challenge 1: 5 points
       Do  50 star jumps in 30 seconds
Challenge 2: 2 points
High five everyone around you in 2 - 5     seconds (Depending where we record).
Challenge 3: 3 points
Do ten burpees in 20 seconds
Challenge 4: 1 point
Jump 5 times in 3 seconds
Challenge 5: 4 points
       Touch every wall in the room in 5 - 15 seconds. (Again, depends where we record)

And these are the videos 


Martin Luther King Jr Speech
What is the main idea about Martin Luther's speech?
Martin's speech it talking about him having a dream.
How it is trying to persuade people?
This video is trying to persuade Americans to know freedom should be happening and also wh he is dreaming should be happening in America.

Does this speech have a rhetorical Question?
Yes- So let freedom ring- It's asking us should we let freedom ring or should we not.

Did he use eye contact?
Martin did use eye contact he never read off anything he just kept on looking at everybody while saying his speech.

Was he speaking clearly/fast?
Yes he speak clearly/loudly, but he wasn't talking fast he slowed it down so that others could understand what he was actually telling others.

How it made me change my mind?
All I did was keep on repeating the video because when I first started the video I didn't understand it that much. Afterwards I could listen to him speaking very clearly. It was making me know that it was a dream for him. I changed my mind when he said that And if America is to be a great nation this should become true. There were many keywords and phrases that made me change my mind. It made me feel different emotions when watching it. It made me feel sad when he said that his four children will one day live in a nation where they will not judge by the colour of their skin.

LI: To understand how to deliver a speech/What techniques can be used when speaking. This week for writing we did speeches. First we had to get into our groups and then after that we had to discuss which speech we were going to summarise about. I decided to pick Martin Luther King Jr. His speech sound really interesting. For this activity I had to create a summary including the main idea about the speech, how are they trying to persuade people, and then good things about them. I used a google document to note everything down. 

Kiwi Can

This week at Kiwi can we played two games and talked about people we should respect. For the first game we had to walk around and if either Knights, Gentlemen or Horses was called out was had to either; Go on our hands and knees while our partner put their hand on our shoulder (or vice versa), stand side by side with our arms on our sides or just act like we're horses that are galloping next to each other. Also, for our other game we were split into two teams, the team that I was in had to flip cones onto their backs while the other team had to do the opposite. In the two matches that we played each team won one.

Kiwi Sport

Today we have been doing kiwi sport and in kiwi sport we are doing badminton but today our instructor Kevin has been teaching us how to start a rally off by a backhand first you would have to hold your shuttle like it is a stinky sock and hold it way from you and get your racket to go back towards you and drop it them hit it with a backhand.    

Free Rice


This Friday I did free rice  I got up to 1010 it was long but worth it because I got to learn new words  for free and I did not regret it.     


Today for reading I had to do questioning. I had to do a junior school version, a middle school version and a senior school version. It is so fun doing the questioning and questioning has many ways to ask questions there is who like who is in the story? why like why is he in the story? what like what happened next? etc etc etc.  


Today I am doing trades and my trade is plumbing I like plumbers because they are so interesting they help people with there dirty needs like unblocking the pipes for water, removing and installing toilet so they help us with stuff that gets you dirty but now we have plumbers to get dirty and do the job for you.  

Thursday 16 November 2017

Police Visit

today we had two visits from one police officer that came in a helicopter and a visit from a dog and his name is Kahu. I think we all liked both of them because I know I loved them both so bad it made me want to became a police officer. I liked the helicopter one because when they landed all the grass was going every where. I liked the dog because it was attacking the man.

Friday 10 November 2017


Today we were doing inquiry and for we had to learn about the job the people are professional at. We did Accountant, Doctor, Educator, Business men/women, pilot and finally the one I am doing it is lawyer I had to find facts about lawyers and find out which fact that our teachers wright and it was lawyers I loved finding out things about lawyers.  

Wheel Decide

LI: To learn about probability using the number of chances.

Today I am doing maths and today we have to do what is the chance of picking a person and the first one I did was who is the smartest and everyone has an equal chance of getting chosen and the fraction of it getting chosen is 1/10. The second one I did was who is the coolest person and again everyone also had an equal chance of getting chosen and the fraction of it getting chosen is 1/5 chance. The last one is just fun but we had to make it a different chance Jack has 2/10 of a chance and Alex, Nevaeh, Jonathan and Mele have the same chance of getting chosen.    


Friday 3 November 2017

QAR template

today we have been doing so reading activity and you have to make ten questions and our ones are How healthy do you think you are? I think i'm average healthy. How do you exercise? Doing push ups and more. What team would you be in if you were a rugby player? Silver Ferns How long can you stick to a diet? 1 month. What team would you be in if you were a rugby player? Silver Ferns well those are some of them OK you answer them and leave your answer in the comment below.