
Tuesday 27 November 2018


This week the year 7's were learning about leadership. Leadership means working together talking and having a leader because everything wouldn't be fine without a leader to control and help our teams. l was working with Mele, Jonathan, Angela and I. We worked together as a group to complete our challenges that were set for us. The first activity we had was to write down and answer the questions we were given. l was the leader for my group and l was trying to help the people that needed it. The next thing we did was go into the hall and do our next leadership challenge as a group for this activity we needed all of our craft stuff in each group then we sat away from each group we had to try and create the biggest pyramid out of Colored Paper, Scissors, and White paper. Those were the things we needed for our challenge. The last group challenge we did was we played a game that would help us work as a team this challenge was called tunnel crawling we had to go underneath people's legs and stomach to get to the other side of the hall it was hard put we worked as a team to  lost of the first round the next round we won.  

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